AUV Service Case

The kit includes two AUV service pumps with accessories and enables the installer to make a service replacement of almost all one-stage pump types in use today for heating oil or kerosene application, with or without solenoid valve, either rotation, either nozzle outlet position, any mounting. The kit also includes the commonly used spare parts.


Domestic oil
AUV Service Case

The kit (ref. : 991555) comprises of :
– one AUV 47 L 9877 6P 0700 pump (left hand rotation, nozzle outlet right or left),
– one AUV 47 R 9876 6P 0700 pump (right hand rotation, nozzle outlet right or left),
– two ENC60 connectors,
– two filters ref. 991530,
– one solenoid coil 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz, ref. 3713871SAV,
– two cover gaskets ref. 991523,
– two cover gaskets ref. 991524,
– one AUV → AE / AEV pump conversion kit ref. 991401,
– one 32 / 54 mm Ø hub adaptor ref. 3759833,
– one flange adaptor ref. 3719003 to convert any hub mounting pump (with 32 mm Ø hub) to a two bolt flange
mounting pump with 54 mm Ø hub,
– two connection kits ref. 991557.

All these parts are sold separately to complete this strong case that will become essential to any installer.
To find out how to replace your current pump (Suntec or other brand) with an AUV pump, download our Technical Manual (also available on our website).

More information

About the service case